When we begin to deepen our knowledge of business administration, we realize that there is a lot of information available on the web, and for those who enjoy being self-taught and entrepreneurs, facing the challenge of starting their own business can be very trained and in some cases an almost titanic task depending on the circumstances, which is why we have put together this article Passing from Theory to Practice and we hope it helps you
But having reached this point, the inevitable questions arise.

With what technological tools can I support myself to start or manage my business? “How do we Passing from Theory to Practice ?”, Some very simple questions, but very broad at the same time, which includes several more specific and specific questions such as:
1-. Investing in my own infrastructure or investing in the use of a Hosting for my technology needs?
2-. Build my website from scratch for my business or use WordPress?
3-. What ERP / CRM can I use to control my business?
4-. What e-commerce tool can I use for my business?
5-. What tool can I use to analyze what public is coming to my website?
6-. Is there a tool that allows me to schedule my publications on social networks?
7-.What S.O. And an office tool should I use in my venture to save licensing costs?
8-. Use payment software or opensource tools to operate our business or enterprise?
9-. If I use opensource tools for my business or entrepreneurship, can I do it myself?
For this we must apply a very simple concept “divide and conquer”, we take our problem in a general way and divide it into smaller problems that we can handle step by step and if these sub divisions still complicate us, we will sub-divide them again until we meet with manageable and solvable problems according to our capabilities.

1-. Investing in my own infrastructure or investing in the use of a Hosting for my technology needs?
Everything will depend on your level of resources that you have, now if you are looking to keep your costs low, gaining mobility hosting is the best option.
2-Build from scratch my website for my business or use WordPress?
When one of the most pressing factors is being undertaken is to make our website or our businesses available quickly, and from our point of view wordpress is by far an excellent tool to make our website available quickly and simply, and another that we must take into account on wordpress the diversity of modules, gadget and templates that are available around it already for free or payment that will allow us to complement our website.
3-What ERP / CRM can I use to control my business?
As for ERP / CRM tools in the market there is a great diversity in which we could separate into 2 groups, those of payment and those that are open source at this point in particular we will recommend the opensource “Dolibarr” tool which is an excellent tool of management for our business or enterprise.
4-.What e-commerce tool can I use for my business?
As for e-commerce tools we mention 3 that can help you assemble your shopping cart (there are many others here we mention the known ones).
– Woocomerce (which is a module that is complemented by wordpress)
– Magento
5-. What tool can I use to analyze what public is coming to my website?
For this we have 2 tools which are Google Analytics and the other is the Facebook Pixel which we can link to our website and we can have a constant monitoring of how our audience is arriving and how we can assemble our publications or promote our site more objectively through Google ADS or Facebook Pixel
6-. Is there a tool that allows me to schedule my publications on social networks?
Fortunately we have several providers which will allow us to manage our social networks and automate our publications, but these tools are paid and that you must keep in mind
1-. Agora pulse
2-. Social sprout
3-. Sendible
4-. Hoot suit
5-. Buffer
7-.What S.O. And an office tool should I use in my venture to save licensing costs?
Regarding this point, if we want to lower costs in terms of costs, licensing in S.O and office would be, through the line of open source software and would be some distribution of Linux for S.O. and in serious office, open office, KO office, Google docs, Libre office, Polaris office to mention some alternatives to the Microsoft Office suite
8-. Use payment tools or opensource tools to operate our business or enterprise?
It will depend on your budget, but there is something that should be considered that today the opensource tools offered by the market, has paid support, therefore, the constant concern that the license is about to expire and / or you will lose support, or you you commit to certain payment software and you are obliged to pay your license for life, with the open source tools you pay for the support you need.
9-. If I use opensource tools for my business or entrepreneurship, can I do it myself?
Everything will depend on your level of dedication and commitment, since today unlike some time ago the level of information (manuals, videos, tutorials, etc.) or experience of other users are available on the network and are easy access. such as youtube, personal blogers who tell us their own experiences, social networks with their communities etc.
We hope that these tips from Passing from Theory to Practice will be useful to you and that they will be of help to your business or entrepreneurship
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